This is the cart preview page. The preferred language can be changed here. Clicking on the down arrow on a line item will give you the details if it is a Pak. Scroll down and press NEXT
The next page is where you enter your initial contact information. This is used to track the enrollment and allow you to continue (see the continue link above). On the bottom left you can click on the “Make Changes to My Products” button to edit the cart and customer type.
Clicking on that button will bring you to the following page. You can
- Edit the quantities directly on the page.
- Edit the item if it is a Pak to change the selections. This will take you to the pack customization screen. On other items it will take you to the product page where you can make changes like switching from a canister to packets.
- Add more products to the cart. This will take you to the catalog.
- Change if you want lifestyle rewards or not.
The “Change Level of Savings” link takes you to this page. You can click on each box to change the selection between the two.
Not that if you change it to having an auto-ship or if the cart already had an auto-ship associated with it there will be a section on this page with the auto-ship information following the initial order section. If adding an auto-shop the auto-ship cart must be created first before saving. There will be an “Add More Products” button in that section as well.
Click Save and you will then go through the normal enrollment flow.